Christmas in the New Studio

March 16, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Having the studio so close by made it easy to do lots of promo shots for my seasonal Holiday Mini Sessions, make holiday cards to mail out and get photos of friends and family when they were here to visit.


Here are some fun ones I did with my son Oliver, to test different setups and decide the look I wanted for the Holiday Mini Sessions:



Our holiday card. I kinda love the outtake where my son is trying to give me a raspberry. :)


Had a visit from our family friends who's daughters are just beautiful people inside and out. So of course, I had to photograph them!! And my son being a typical three year old, couldn't stay out of the shots. Fortunately, their mother entertained Oliver with fort making long enough for me to get a few shots of the girls on their own. And then we got a few of them all together, with a Santa hat in tow. I was quite proud of how these photos turned out and am so honored that a large canvas print of this one hangs in their home now.




The morning after Christmas, my brother and sister in law had been staying with us for the holiday and were generous enough to let me take their picture before they had to drive back home to Boston. I love these shots of them. I feel like they highlight what fun loving human beings they are and shows the great bond they have with their nephew, even with living so far away and not getting to visit as often as we'd all like.



Plus they're just awesome people:



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